Export Analysis: a way to foreign markets

Export Analysis: a way to foreign markets

Export analysis is one of the marketing research types implemented by Pro-Consulting. Among the major clients’ needs when ordering export analysis are the following:

  • determination of the most profitable foreign market for product sales;
  • development of marketing strategy for progress in the foreign market;
  • identifying potential foreign partners to create export sales channels.

Export analysis as a component of marketing research is performed by Pro-Consulting analysts in accordance with international ESOMAR standards, using optimal methods of information processing and analysis.

Export analysis: universal structure

By ordering export analysis from Pro-Consulting, the client business receives analytics to solve a specific task facing it. Therefore, the structure of the report with the export analysis results may vary depending on customer requirements.

                We recommend to learn more about market research – visit the web page

In the basic format, the structure of export analysis is as follows:

  • Export volume of researched products:
    • exports dynamics over a period of time;
    • export volumes by months.
  • Commodity structure of exports:
    • volumes of deliveries by types of products;
    • commodity structure of exports in the research time.
  • Geographical structure of exports:
    • volumes of production deliveries by countries;
    • visual representation of the geographical structure of exports.
  • Exports analysis by the largest companies-operators:
    • volumes of production deliveries by the sending companies;
    • structure of exports by sending companies;
    • volumes of exported products received by contracting companies;
    • structure of exports by contracting companies.
  • Price analysis of exports:
    • average export prices:
      • by types of products;
      • by exporting companies.

According to the results of export analysis, information is provided both in kind and in monetary terms.

               You can find out more about the structure of such a study on the page about foreign trade analysis

Export analysis: selection of the target market

To select the most suitable foreign market for the client's products sale, Pro-Consulting conducts a factor analysis of the markets as part of the export analysis service. It consists of:

  • identification of key factors influencing the demand for a particular product in the market of interest;
  • assigning weight coefficients to each factor;
  • drawing up a multifactor model to select the most promising market for client's products.

Such multifactor exports analysis allows one to create an information base for developing a quality model for entering foreign markets and start looking for partners to sell products.          

Export analysis: practical benefits

Export analysis from Pro-Consulting has practical importance in the process of bringing the client's company to foreign markets. The client receives recommendations on external marketing strategy, which include proposals for:

  • product improvement (adaptation);
  • competitive pricing policy in the foreign market;
  • the most profitable sales channels;
  • selection of product promotion tools.

Based on the approved strategy of entering the foreign market, Pro-Consulting identifies the most suitable potential partners for your company in the target market. An additional option for the export analysis service customer may be the presentation of business and commercial goals to potential partners and contractors for further negotiations.

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