Marketing research: business decisions foundation

Marketing research: business decisions foundation

Any stable system is stable because it is built on a solid foundation. This statement is true taking into consideration business structures. A successful company has many points of support, but all of them are based on an intangible but, nevertheless, reliable information foundation. This foundation consists of relevant knowledge about the market environment: market structure, its market place, behavior of competitors, consumer sentiments, the benefits and risks of a strategy for promotion and development in the market. Obtaining such data provides marketing research.

It's time to do marketing research

Does any managers may say, after reading the previous paragraph, that his company conducted marketing research six months ago and even developed an effective marketing strategy with it. So is it worth spending extra effort and resources on marketing research again? Are you sure no one will deny that the conditions of any business in our country have changed dramatically recently? Therefore, strategies based on old marketing research have lost much of their power. Even the best racing car will be easily overtaken by opponents on a sharp turn if it has poor traction.

Learn more about marketing research as a service

What marketing research can I order?

Pro-Consulting, a member of the Ukrainian Marketing Association since 2005, conducts marketing research of any type and depth. All your information needs will be met at a quality level. Participants of Ukrainian and international markets order the following types of marketing research:

  • market research

This type of marketing research is the most fundamental in terms of covering all components of the market environment. It may include other components of the following types of marketing research as components.

Conducting market research involves the research of market capacity, its structure, key players, competitive environment, risks, barriers and potential business opportunities. Market research will serve as a basis for updating the company's comprehensive strategy, bringing it to new levels of development.

You can familiarize with catalog of published marketing research reports by Pro-Consulting

  • consumer marketing research

Working with consumers is the most important component of customer-oriented entrepreneurship. You can produce a great product but if buyers do not need it or they are not aware of its properties – then you will not see the income. To order consumer marketing research means to find out who your target audience is and what motives it is guided by when choosing a product or service.

Planning and developing of consumer marketing research is to obtain data on:

  • consumption structure;
  • factors influencing demand;
  • consumer needs in a particular product;
  • the degree of the target audience awareness about the customer's brand;
  • perception of the product by customers and the conditions for maintaining loyalty to it.

If you are not sure which method of market research is right for you, just contact Pro-Consulting and ask your questions to a consultant

After processing the collected information, the client receives a detailed portrait of his consumer, including sex, social and other characteristics, behavioral motives in the market and possible ways to influence them.

  • marketing research of competitors

Competition is the driving force of market evolution and a destructive factor for the weak or sluggish. The catchphrase "while you're asleep – the enemy is swaying" is best applied to business. Probably, your rivals have already ordered a market research of competitors and are carefully studying your activity in order to occupy a more favorable position in the market.

By the way, we can also form an enterprises database for you according to the specified criteria

Conducting marketing research of competitors is:

  • analysis of strengths and weaknesses of competitors' products;
  • studying the marketing strategy of competitors;
  • identifying consumer reactions to competing products.

According to the results of marketing research of competitors, there is a vision of ways to increase its own competitiveness.

  • marketing research of the customer company’s market place

It is always useful to know the position of your company after a wave of significant changes in the market environment. Maybe you became a leader and maybe vice versa. Marketing research of the company's place in the market will help to find out. We will research production volumes, sales and consumption channels. We will also arrange a "mystery shopper" visit to you, which will analyze the effectiveness of your company's structures that interact with consumers. All this will allow you to learn your strengths and weaknesses and adjust the work of the enterprise.

If you want to assess the degree of loyalty and customer satisfaction, you will find it useful to conduct an NPS survey

  • marketing research of the sales promotion system

As is known, advertising is the engine of trade, but is this engine idle, waste your resources? You can find out about this by conducting a marketing research of the sales promotion system. It includes:

  • mass media monitoring to determine the effectiveness of various types of advertising;
  • research of the effectiveness of marketing techniques used: promotions, discounts, raffles and the like.

Recommendations for improving your product promotion strategy based on the results of this marketing research will be very useful for your business.

  • retail marketing research

This type of marketing research is needed by those companies that sell their products in the retail system. Development of retail trade marketing research means the analysis of the prices, assortment, representation of interesting for the customer production in outlets, influence on these parameters by changing market situation and actions of competitors. After processing the data obtained during this marketing research, recommendations are issued on pricing policy and possible correction of the supplied goods assortment to trade.

The key to the high quality of the above types of marketing research is not only the experience of Pro-Consulting, formed over more than 15 years, but also the armament of our team with all the necessary tools to apply both quantitative and qualitative research methods.

We will form the optimal structure of marketing research for the goals and objectives of your business – just contact us


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