Foreign markets’ research: way to opportunities

Foreign markets’ research: way to opportunities

Foreign markets’ research is conducted by Pro-Consulting in order to create a reliable information and analytical base for customers to make business decisions related to foreign economic activity.

No matter what market the company operates in, it always operates in a constantly changing situation, which creates some uncertainty when trying to choose the most optimal strategy. Foreign markets’ research will significantly reduce the degree of such uncertainty in solving such tasks as:

  • monitoring the state of the foreign market of interest to the customer;
  • search for the most optimal markets for the sale of its products;
  • search for partners to organize the import channel;
  • research of the buyers’ attitude to a particular product in the foreign market before bringing a similar product on the domestic market.

The above list of tasks is not all-inclusive, as each customer company determines the objectives of foreign markets’ research itself.

Learn more about goods and services market analysis as part of market research

Foreign markets’ research: why are they ordered from us?

In today's economic environment no firm that strives for success can do without market research. Prominent marketing systematizer Philip Kotler believes that to feel confident in the market, the company should allocate a budget for marketing research about 1-2% of sales.

Foreign markets’ research requires the participation of a team of analysts who have methods of obtaining primary and secondary information, statistical and economic analysis, methods of forecasting. Therefore, even large companies order foreign markets market research in specialized consulting agencies.

Also read more detailed material about comprehensive market research

Pro-Consulting has managed to gain the trust of more than 1000 clients over a fifteen-year period of activity, what proves our portfolio catalog with more than 1700 published market research reports.

Marketing research of foreign markets: content

Pro-Consulting practices an individual approach to each client who orders research of foreign markets. That’s why the content of each research is exclusive, aimed at maximizing the satisfaction of information requests of the customer. At the same time, marketing research of the foreign market is conducted by the same tools as the usual complex market research in Ukraine. The typical structure of the reporting document of foreign markets’ research service consists of the following sections:

1. General information about the market:

  • description;
  • basic calculation indicators;
  • segmentation and structure;
  • prevailing development trends.

2. State policy in relation to the considered market:

  • taxation;
  • licensing;
  • trade regulation;
  • features of foreign economic activity.

3. Activities of the major operators in the target market:

If you are looking for information on your market, but can not find or organize it, contact us – Pro-Consulting guarantees independent market analysis for the proper development of your business

4. Production indicators in kind and in monetary terms.

5.Sales volumes.

6. Foreign trade turnover:

  • volume and dynamics of exports and imports.

7. Pricing:

  • cost structure;
  • factors influencing the price;
  • price dynamics.

8. Consumer sphere:

  • consumer portrait;
  • motives of behavior;
  • attitude to the product of interest;
  • government Procurement.

9. Characteristics of sales channels.

10. Range and features of similar products in the market.

11. Attractiveness of the market for customer’s products sales:

  • factor analysis of competitiveness;
  • risks and barriers to market entry.

12.Conclusion, forecasts, recommendations.

Study the material on market analysis as a tool for receiving retrospective analytics and forecast indicators of both domestic and foreign markets

Foreign markets’ research by Pro-Consulting basically contains processed information for the last 3-5 years and development forecasts for the short and medium term.

By ordering foreign markets’ research by Pro-Consulting, you will be able to use the professionalism, experience, information and technical capabilities of our team to benefit your business.

If your business idea involves the exports of goods, read the article about the company's entering to the foreign markets


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