Stepping out of Comfort Zone. 10 “Unpleasant” Ways to Become More Successful


It is a well-known fact that stress influences on efficiency and forces us to increase our performance dramatically. When we appear in difficult situation, all forces of the body regroup and help us to think and act much more quickly. In other words, if you dream to achieve the great results, you have to step out from your comfort zone. For this purpose just try to:

1.    Get up earlier. If you like to sleep in the morning and hardly get up after the third alarm buzz, put all the efforts to correct this situation. Getting up earlier will not only force you to leave the comfort zone – it will offer you several free hours before going to work. You may use them for sport or reading the books.

2.    Fix impossible goals for yourself. Did you dream for a long time to run marathon or to open your business? Now it is a right time for that. Difficult goals which you fix ensure increase of your performance.

3.    Meditate. The scientist from Harvard already proved that mediation is a good recharge for your brain. In addition, it contributes to the improvement of self-control and development of the skill to focus on one task. And, what is the most important – the effect of meditation is rather stable.

4.    Forget about multiple tasks. They completely destroy all creative efforts and make us to continue to stay where we are now. The recent researches demonstrated that people forced to perform lots of tasks at the same time tend to be scattered and forgetful.

5.    Speak to the public. For many people to speak to the public is a real barrier which it is almost impossible to overcome. Start from a small scale – conduct presentation for the colleagues at your working place or tell the partners about new services of your company. When you become more sure, you will be able to speak to the public, to communicate with large audiences.

6.    Be initiative. Be ready to help others even if you are absolutely exhausted or short of time. Volunteer movement is a source of important experience and the effort to move up to the new level; so, do not miss this chance.

7.    Get new friends. As a rule, it is very difficult for the common people to start speaking with a stranger, to find themes for the dialogue and to be interested in conversation. It is strange, but new people may make you much more successful. On one hand, nobody denied the benefit of social contacts, and on the other hand, the permanent experience of communications will help you to become more sure in yourself.

8.    Control yourself. If at the hottest stage of conflict you really need to express your emotions and to tell your interlocutor everything what you think about him, it is always better to control yourself. Nobody knows what results may have your accidental words in one week, one month or one year. If you prefer not to terminate finally your relations with your opponent, think attentively about every word you say and try to continue conversation amicably.


9.    Learn to tell “no”. The person who knows how to refuse, have higher chances for success than the person who does not know how to do that. Naturally, you do not have to tell “no” to all and everybody. Nevertheless, if the situation develops in such a way that you cannot accept something, it is better to tell about that immediately.

10.  Stop to postpone for tomorrow. Moving deadline for the thing which should be done, you decrease your chances to become successful. This “tomorrow” may not occur at all. That’s why it is better to do all tasks which you planed, today, here and now.


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